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Material Incubator

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Ecology Futures

Crafting Plural Futures Through Art, Science, and Living Materials

‘The borders between inside and outside, body and environment, biology and geology, human time and deep time, are fluid and constantly re-inventing themselves. The artist’s invaluable quality is to contextualize and criticize these dynamics through materiality, as well as speculate on their possible implications and possibilities.’
— Xandra van der Eijk and Adriana Knouf (Course Leaders Ecology Futures)


Speculative Storytelling with Living Materials

Workshop by Sarah Lugthart and Hazal Ertürkan

This workshop aims to broaden the perspective of biodesigners and stimulate design ideation with living materials (e.g. bacteria- and algae-based materials) based on speculative storytelling strategies and recent research on designing with living materials.


The Garden that Sees, Smells, and Hears

Workshops by Annemarie Piscaer

As a designer fascinated with dust as a material, the image “Pale Blue Dot” taken by the Voyager 1 Spacecraft, on 14 February 1990, has an incredible significance. It shows planet Earth from the furthest possible distance. From this perspective, for me, Earth appears as a small, fragile particle of dust in an immensely vast space.